Saturday, June 13, 2009

Survey of Friends of Objectivism In the Southeast

One of the main purposes of NSO is to promote the ideas of Ayn Rand in the Southeast, and we are aware that there are many friends of Objectivism throughout our area who do not have ready access to a local study group.

In order to assist the spread of interest in Ayn Rands to new areas, we have set up threads in our discussion group for each of the states in the Southeast. If you are interested in making contact with other like-minded friends of Objectivism, please post your contact information and we'll do what we can to put people in the same area in touch with one another. If you have an existing group or web site, please post information about it here, and we'll add it to our "Friends of Objectivism in the Southeast" section of this blog to your right. We also have a page set up to post information for each of the following states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

(For a similar method of meeting friends of Objectivism in your area, you may wish to consider, which we and several other Objectivist groups also use.)

Of course, as always, the ultimate clearinghouse of information about all things Ayn Rand is the Ayn Rand Institute.

Our Government Schools Hard At Work Creating the Next Generation of FreeThinking Americans

I found this sign posted in front of my local elementary school in Greenville. To top it off, the sign in the background says: "Welcome to Lake Forest Elementary - A Community of Nations."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to the New Blog

Posted below are two of the posts from the old blog just to begin to show how this can be set up. We'll keep up the main page (at but post a link there to the new blog.

The features of blogspot allow the use of all the "gadget" organization features and subscription features that most blogs on the internet use.

We should probably send out a mass email to those on the NSO list about the new blog, and suggest that they subscribe using the RSS feed and other subscription methods.

We also need to point out that this has comments and we'll need to monitor them.

We should also eventually delete this message.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is Obama a Socialist?

The right is very vocal in accusing President Obama of being a socialist. In a broad sense they are correct in that socialism is a form of collectivism and statism. However, judging by the policies he and his administration are actually implementing Obama is a fascist.

Fascism -- invented by Mussolini and copied by Hitler -- is a political/economic system in which there is nominally private property. So people supposedly own their homes, their clothing, their food and their businesses. However, in fact, the government dictates every detail regarding how the "owner" uses his supposed property.

Under fascism a businessman nominally owns his factory but in practice the government tells him what products to make, where he gets his supply, whom and how many to hire, what he must pay his workers, how much he can charge for his product, how much of it he must produce and who he must sell it to.

This describes exactly the kind of power Obama via Geitner is seeking. Geitner asked Congress for authority to take over any private institution which is a a "systemic risk". What is a "systemic risk"? Apparently, it is the same as a "too big to fail" and we all know how arbitrarily this term was used (AIG was too big; Lehman wasn't, etc.). So if this regulation is passed Geitner will have the power to take over or bail out any private business he desires to in this country.

Then today Congress passed a law giving Geitner the power to dictate the compensation of all employees of any company which has recieved government aid.

So here is the result. Obama says to Geitner, "Take over the xxx corp.". Geitner promptly declares xxx as a systemic risk. This justifies him forcing it to take a bail out from the Treasury. Now that the company has been "bailed out", the law passed today allow Geitner to dictate the wages of everyone from the CEO to the janitor. With this power Obama/Geitner can dictate all company policy. and actions. Now Obama runs xxx corp even though legally it is still owned by the stockholders.

This is such a blatant and open grab for power that we must rank Obama with Stalin, Mao and Hitler in the power luster hall of fame.